Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Weather Modifier

This code will allow you to change the weather.

Type a number into your calculator, press R, go into bag and exit.

Calculator numbers and effects:

1-Normal 2-Light rain 3-Rain 4- Storm 5-Light Snow 6- Snow 7-Blizzard 8-Normal 9-Ash 10-Sand Storm 11-Sparkle 12-Chunks of Earth Falling Up? 13-Normal 14-Fog 15-Block Fog 16- Dark Cave 17- Lightning 18-Light Gray 19-Gray 20-Lines on Ground? 21- Snow 22-Light Sand Storm 23-Pattern on Ground in Forests 24-Dark 25- Dark with dim circle around you 26-Dark Blue 27-Light Blue 28-Light Red 29- Blue 30-Night-Like

94000130 feff0000
62101d40 00000000
b2101d40 00000000
da000000 00111d10
d7000000 000012fa
d2000000 00000000

Found on Action Replay Code Manager for U.K. Converted to U.S. by me.