Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rebattle Mesprit & Cressslia for Platinum

Well It's not like the Diamond and Pearl Version but this is the closest thing you are going to get for re-battling Mesprit and Cressilia. It roams around and is the same level. I could do more roaming legendary pokemon with the same attacks and abilities like this one. If you would like me to leave a comment in the comments section. You can also give feedback on the site and suggest codes (I could get you any pokemon with any ability, attacks, holding any item, in an egg, with any ribbon, ect.).

Press L+R while playing game to acitvate codes. Activate one at a time, after activating one save and restart for it to appear on marking map.



94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
E0008020 00000018
04210843 855FBC8A
009801E1 00000032
00000000 04210C44
D2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
E0008020 00000018
04210843 855FBC8A
009801E1 00010032
00000000 04210C44
D2000000 00000000

Sorry if the Pokemon's stats are weird I don't know how to do the whole IV thing.

Pokesav Generated.